Our focus is on neurochemicals acting on the peripheral and central nervous system

We are enthusiastic about neurochemicals acting as agonists or antagonists on G-protein coupled receptors located in the peripheral and central nervous system. Our goal is to address the clinical needs to diagnose and treat the neurological pathologies at the origin of the disease; thus, avoiding a merely systematic treatment and rather stopping or delaying disease progression.

The chemical structure of small molecules is the key for successful drug design and development for both imaging probes and therapeutics. The combined, interdisciplinary knowledge of medicinal chemists, pharmacists and physicians allows drug adjustment and pave the way towards the application of our substances as tools for image-guided therapy.

The bottleneck of the drug development process is the preclinical screening of a compound library, as we still lack substantial methods for a fast and reliable biological assessment. We developed a complex dynamic 3D-cell culture method, which mimics the tissue situation and has the potential to fasten the screening process. Moreover, it conforms with the 3Rs (reduce, replace, refine) rule in animal ethics and will contribute to reduce the number of animals needed in drug testing.

Our main interests lie in

  • Inventive drug and tracer development of neurochemicals
  • Innovative drug screening methods
  • Interdisciplinary approaches close to medical application

We are currently open for masterstudents

To start a master thesis in our group, all major examinations must be completed (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M8, M11). In total, a maximum of 15 ECTS may still be open, excluding the ECTS associated with the master thesis. Ideally, all examinations should be completed.

EANM 2021 Plenary Lecture - Isotopes Past and Future

Missed the EANM 2021 plenary lecture on the availability of medicinal radioisotopes.

You can still watch it here.

CBmeds microONE promo video

For the SDG-3 presentation at the austrian parlament, our consortium of the FFG funded microONE project (CBmed, Univie, MUW, among others) produced a nice promo-video. Thank you to Thomas Wadsak for the nice production. (German only)

News and announcements


I am very grateful to share our recent publication, where I had the pleasure of working with an incredible and inspiring team: Andreas Teuschl-Woller, Christian Kraule, Marcus Hacker and Chrysoula Vraka.

We introduce a cutting-edge bioanalytic hybrid system for preclinical radiotracer assessment! This innovative platform combines 3D cell cultures on a silk fibroin extracellular matrix with a chromatographic-like system.



Our group took part in the 20th European Molecular Imaging Meeting in Bilbao. With two oral presentations and two poster presentations, we were grateful for the opportunity to share our research, gain inspiration for new collaborations and ideas, and engage in valuable exchanges.


Lisa Aichinger was participating at the ÖPhG Meeting in Vienna and presented an update on her research on microplastic particles in pharmaceutical formulations.


Medical imaging agents, i.e., contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and radiopharmaceuticals, play a vital role in the diagnosis of diseases. Yet, they mostly contain harmful and non-biodegradable substances, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), heavy metals or radionuclides. As a result of their increasing clinical use, these agents are entering various water bodies and soil, posing risks to environment and human health. Here, the environmental effects of the...


Viktoria was defending successfully her master thesis. We congratulate Viktoria for finishing her studies in Pharmacy and wish her all the best for new advantures.


We were joining for another podcast on microplastic and human health and thank detector.fm for the great atmosphere. Do you want to find out more, just follow the link.